Source code for WDmodel.covariance

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Parametrizes the noise of the spectrum fit using a Gaussian process.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
import celerite
import warnings


[docs]class WDmodel_CovModel(object): """ Parametrizes the noise of the spectrum fit using a Gaussian process. This class models the covariance of the spectrum fit using a stationary Gaussian process conditioned on the spectrum flux residuals and spectrum flux uncertainties. The class allows the kernel of the Gaussian process to be set in a single location. A few different stationary kernels are supported. These choices are defined in :py:mod:`celerite.terms`. Parameters ---------- errscale : float Chracteristic scale of the spectrum flux uncertainties. The kernel amplitude hyperparameters are reported as fractions of this number. If the spectrum flux is rescaled, this must be set appropriately to get the correct uncertainties. The :py:mod:`WDmodel` package uses the median of the spectrum flux uncertainty internally. covtype : ``{'Matern32', 'SHO', 'Exp', 'White}`` The model to use to parametrize the covariance. Choices are defined in :py:mod:`celerite.terms` All choices except ``'White'`` parametrize the covariance using a stationary kernel with a characteristic amplitude ``fsig`` and scale ``tau`` + a white noise component with amplitude ``fw``. Only the white noise component is used to condition the Gaussian process if ``covtype`` is ``'White'``. If not specified or unknown, ``'Matern32'`` is used and a :py:exc:`RuntimeWarning` is raised. coveps : float If ``covtype`` is ``'Matern32'`` a :py:class:`celerite.terms.Matern32Term` is used to approximate a Matern32 kernel with precision `coveps`. The default is ``1e-12``. Ignored if any other ``covtype`` is specified. Attributes ---------- _errscale : float The input ``errscale`` _covtype : str The input ``covtype`` _coveps : float The input ``coveps`` _ndim : int The dimensionality of kernel used to parametrize the covariance _k1 : None or a term instance from :py:mod:`celerite.terms` The non-trivial stationary component of the kernel _k2 : :py:class:`celerite.terms.JitterTerm` The white noise component of the kernel _logQ : float, conditional ``1/sqrt(2)`` - only set if ``covtype`` is ``'SHO'`` Returns ------- A :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` instance Notes ----- Virtually none of the attributes should be used directly since it is trivially possible to break the model by redefining them. Access to them is best through the functions connected to the models. """
[docs] def __init__(self, errscale, covtype='Matern32', coveps=1e-12): # if we rescale the problem, errscale should be 1. # if not, it is the median error of the data self._errscale = errscale self._coveps = coveps self._covtype = covtype # configure the kernel self._ndim = 3 self._k2 = celerite.terms.JitterTerm # amplitude of the white noise kernel if covtype == 'White': self._k1 = None self._ndim = 1 elif covtype == 'Matern32': self._k1 = celerite.terms.Matern32Term elif covtype == 'SHO': self._k1 = celerite.terms.SHOTerm self._logQ = np.log(1./np.sqrt(2.)) elif covtype == 'Exp': self._k1 = celerite.terms.RealTerm else: message = 'Do not understand kernel type {}'.format(covtype) warnings.warn(message, RuntimeWarning) self._k1 = celerite.terms.Matern32Term self._covtype = 'Matern32' message = "Parametrizing covariance with {} kernel and using Cholesky Solver".format(covtype) print(message)
[docs] def lnlikelihood(self, wave, res, flux_err, fsig, tau, fw): """ Return the log likelihood of the Gaussian process Conditions the Gaussian process specified by the functional form of the stationary kernel and the current values of the hyperparameters on the data, and computes the log likelihood. Wraps :py:meth:`celerite.GP.log_likelihood`. Parameters ---------- wave : array-like, optional Wavelengths at which to condition the Gaussian process res : array-like Flux residual array on which to condition the Gaussian process. The kernel parametrization assumes that the mean model has been subtracted off. flux_err : array-like Flux uncertaintyarray on which to condition the Gaussian process fsig : float The fractional amplitude of the non-trivial stationary kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` tau : float The characteristic length scale of the non-trivial stationary kernel. fw : float The fractional amplitude of the white noise component of the kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` Returns ------- lnlike : float The log likelihood of the Gaussian process conditioned on the data. See Also -------- :py:meth:`getgp` """ gp = self.getgp(wave, flux_err, fsig, tau, fw) return gp.log_likelihood(res)
[docs] def predict(self, wave, res, flux_err, fsig, tau, fw, mean_only=False): """ Return the prediction for the Gaussian process Conditions the Gaussian process specified by the parametrized with the functional form of the stationary kernel and the current values of the hyperparameters on the data, and computes returns the prediction at the same location as the data. Wraps :py:meth:`celerite.GP.predict`. Parameters ---------- wave : array-like, optional Wavelengths at which to condition the Gaussian process res : array-like Flux residual array on which to condition the Gaussian process. The kernel parametrization assumes that the mean model has been subtracted off. flux_err : array-like Flux uncertaintyarray on which to condition the Gaussian process fsig : float The fractional amplitude of the non-trivial stationary kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` tau : float The characteristic length scale of the non-trivial stationary kernel. fw : float The fractional amplitude of the white noise component of the kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` mean_only : bool, optional Return only the predicted mean, not the covariance matrix Returns ------- wres : array-like The prediction of the Gaussian process conditioned on the data at the same location i.e. the model. cov : array-like, optional The computed covariance matrix of the Gaussian process using the parametrized stationary kernel evaluated at the locations of the data. See Also -------- :py:meth:`getgp` """ gp = self.getgp(wave, flux_err, fsig, tau, fw) return_cov = not(mean_only) return gp.predict(res, wave, return_cov)
[docs] def getgp(self, wave, flux_err, fsig, tau, fw): """ Return the :py:class:`celerite.GP` instance Precomputes the covariance matrix of the Gaussian process specified by the functional form of the stationary kernel and the current values of the hyperparameters. Wraps :py:class:`celerite.GP`. Parameters ---------- wave : array-like, optional Wavelengths at which to condition the Gaussian process flux_err : array-like Flux uncertainty array on which to condition the Gaussian process fsig : float The fractional amplitude of the non-trivial stationary kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` tau : float The characteristic length scale of the non-trivial stationary kernel. fw : float The fractional amplitude of the white noise component of the kernel. The true amplitude is scaled by :py:attr:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel._errscale` Returns ------- gp : :py:class:`celerite.GP` instance The Gaussian process with covariance matrix precomputed at the location of the data Notes ----- ``fsig``, ``tau`` and ``fw`` all must be > 0. This constraint is not checked here, but is instead imposed by the samplers/optimizers used in the :py:mod:`` methods, and by bounds used to construct the :py:class:`WDmodel.likelihood.WDmodel_Likelihood` instance using the :py:func:`WDmodel.likelihood.setup_likelihood` method. """ log_sigma_fw = np.log(fw*self._errscale) kw = self._k2(log_sigma_fw) if self._ndim != 1: log_sigma_fsig = np.log(fsig*self._errscale) if self._covtype == 'Matern32': log_rho = np.log(tau) ku = self._k1(log_sigma_fsig, log_rho, eps=self._coveps) elif self._covtype == 'SHO': log_omega0 = np.log((2.*np.pi)/tau) ku = self._k1(log_sigma_fsig, self._logQ, log_omega0) else: log_c = 1./np.log(tau) ku = self._k1(log_sigma_fsig, log_c) kernel = ku + kw else: kernel = kw gp = celerite.GP(kernel, mean=0.) gp.compute(wave, flux_err, check_sorted=False) return gp