Source code for WDmodel.viz

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
Routines to visualize the DA White Dwarf model atmosphere fit

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from itertools import cycle
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties as FM
from astropy.visualization import hist
from . import io
from . import passband
import corner
from six.moves import range

[docs]def plot_minuit_spectrum_fit(spec, objname, outdir, specfile, scale_factor, model, result, save=True): """ Plot the MLE fit of the spectrum with the model, assuming uncorrelated noise. Parameters ---------- spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The spectrum. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` objname : str object name - used to title plots outdir : str controls where the plot is written out if ``save=True`` specfile : str Used in the title, and to set the name of the ``outfile`` if ``save=True`` scale_factor : float factor by which the flux was scaled for y-axis label model : :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` instance The DA White Dwarf SED model generator result : dict dictionary of parameters with keywords ``value``, ``fixed``, ``scale``, ``bounds`` for each. Same format as returned from :py:func:`` save : bool if True, save the file Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance Notes ----- The MLE fit uses :py:meth:`iminuit.Minuit.migrad` to fit the spectrum with the model. This fit doesn't try to account for the covariance in the data, and is not expected to be great - just fast, and capable of setting a reasonable initial guess. If it is apparent from the plot that this fit is very far off, refine the initial guess to the fitter. """ font_s = FM(size='small') font_m = FM(size='medium') font_l = FM(size='large') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4,1]) ax_spec = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_resid = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax_spec.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, color='black', linestyle='-', marker='None', label=specfile) print_params = ('teff', 'logg', 'av', 'dl') outlabel = 'Model\n' for param in print_params: val = result[param]['value'] err = result[param]['scale'] fixed = result[param]['fixed'] if val is None: thislabel = '{} = {} '.format(param, val) else: thislabel = '{} = {:.3f} '.format(param, val) if not fixed: thislabel += ' +/- {:.3f}'.format(err) else: thislabel = '[{} FIXED]'.format(thislabel) thislabel +='\n' outlabel += thislabel fix_labels = list(set(result.keys()) - set(print_params)) for param in fix_labels: val = result[param]['value'] if val is None: thislabel = '{} = {} '.format(param, val) else: thislabel = '{} = {:.3f} '.format(param, val) thislabel = '[{} FIXED]'.format(thislabel) thislabel +='\n' outlabel += thislabel teff = result['teff']['value'] logg = result['logg']['value'] av = result['av']['value'] dl = result['dl']['value'] rv = result['rv']['value'] fwhm = result['fwhm']['value'] pixel_scale = 1./np.median(np.gradient(spec.wave)) mod = model._get_obs_model(teff, logg, av, fwhm, spec.wave, rv=rv, pixel_scale=pixel_scale) smoothedmod = mod* (1./(4.*np.pi*(dl)**2.)) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, smoothedmod, color='red', linestyle='-',marker='None', label=outlabel) ax_resid.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux-smoothedmod+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-smoothedmod-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_resid.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux-smoothedmod, linestyle='-', marker=None, color='black') ax_resid.set_xlabel('Wavelength~(\AA)',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_spec.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux (Scale factor = {})'.format(1./scale_factor), fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Fit Residual Flux', fontproperties=font_m) ax_spec.legend(frameon=False, prop=font_s) fig.suptitle('Quick Fit for Initial Guess: %s (%s)'%(objname, specfile), fontproperties=font_l) gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) if save: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_minuit.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) return fig
[docs]def plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit(spec, objname, specfile, scale_factor, model, covmodel, result, param_names, samples,\ ndraws=21, everyn=1): """ Plot the spectrum of the DA White Dwarf and the "best fit" model The full fit parametrizes the covariance model using a stationary Gaussian process as defined by :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel`. The posterior function constructed in :py:class:`WDmodel.likelihood.WDmodel_Posterior` is evaluated by the sampler in the :py:func:`` method. The median value is reported as the best-fit value for each of the fit parameters in :py:attr:`WDmodel.likelihood.WDmodel_Likelihood.parameter_names`. Parameters ---------- spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The spectrum. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` objname : str object name - used to title plots outdir : str controls where the plot is written out if ``save=True`` specfile : str Used in the title, and to set the name of the ``outfile`` if ``save=True`` scale_factor : float factor by which the flux was scaled for y-axis label model : :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` instance The DA White Dwarf SED model generator covmodel : :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` instance The parametrized model for the covariance of the spectrum ``spec`` result : dict dictionary of parameters with keywords ``value``, ``fixed``, ``scale``, ``bounds`` for each. Same format as returned from :py:func:`` param_names : array-like Ordered list of free parameter names samples : array-like Samples from the flattened Markov Chain with shape ``(N, len(param_names))`` ndraws : int, optional Number of draws to make from the Markov Chain to overplot. Higher numbers provide a better sense of the uncertainty in the model at the cost of speed and a larger, slower to render output plot. everyn : int, optional If the posterior function was evaluated using only every nth observation from the data, this should be specified to visually indicate the observations used. Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance The output figure draws : array-like The actual draws from the Markov Chain used in ``fig`` Notes ----- It's faster to draw samples from the posterior in one location, and pass along the same samples to all the methods in :py:mod:`WDmodel.viz`. Consequently, most require ``draws`` as an input. This makes all the plots connected, and none will return if an error is thrown here, but this is the correct behavior as all of them are visualizing one aspect of the same fit. Each element of ``draws`` contains * ``smoothedmod`` - the model spectrum * ``wres`` - the prediction from the Gaussian process * ``wres_err`` - the diagonal of the covariance matrix for the prediction from the Gaussian process * ``full_mod`` - the full model SED, in order to compute the synthetic photometry * ``out_draw`` - the dictionary of model parameters from this draw. Same format as ``result``. """ font_s = FM(size='small') font_m = FM(size='medium') font_l = FM(size='large') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4,1]) ax_spec = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_resid = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax_spec.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, color='black', linestyle='-', marker='None', label=specfile) this_draw = io.copy_params(result) draws = samples[np.random.randint(0, len(samples), ndraws),:] pixel_scale = 1./np.median(np.gradient(spec.wave)) # plot one draw of the sample, bundled into a dict def plot_one(this_draw, color='red', alpha=1., label=None, i=1): teff = this_draw['teff']['value'] logg = this_draw['logg']['value'] av = this_draw['av']['value'] rv = this_draw['rv']['value'] dl = this_draw['dl']['value'] fwhm = this_draw['fwhm']['value'] fsig = this_draw['fsig']['value'] tau = this_draw['tau']['value'] fw = this_draw['fw']['value'] mod, full_mod = model._get_full_obs_model(teff, logg, av, fwhm, spec.wave,\ rv=rv, pixel_scale=pixel_scale) smoothedmod = mod* (1./(4.*np.pi*(dl)**2.)) res = spec.flux - smoothedmod wres, cov = covmodel.predict(spec.wave, res, spec.flux_err, fsig, tau, fw) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, smoothedmod+wres,\ color=color, linestyle='-',marker='None', alpha=alpha, label=label) out_draw = io.copy_params(this_draw) return smoothedmod, wres, cov, full_mod, out_draw # for each draw, update the dict, and plot it out = [] for i in range(ndraws): for j, param in enumerate(param_names): this_draw[param]['value'] = draws[i,j] smoothedmod, wres, cov, full_mod, out_draw = plot_one(this_draw, color='orange', alpha=0.3, i=i) wres_err = np.diag(cov)**0.5 out.append((smoothedmod, wres, wres_err, full_mod, out_draw)) outlabel = 'Model\n' for param in result: val = result[param]['value'] errp, errm = result[param]['errors_pm'] fixed = result[param]['fixed'] thislabel = '{} = {:.3f} '.format(param, val) if not fixed: thislabel += ' +{:.3f}/-{:.3f}'.format(errp, errm) else: thislabel = '[{} FIXED]'.format(thislabel) thislabel +='\n' outlabel += thislabel # finally, overplot the best result draw as solid smoothedmod, wres, cov, full_mod, out_draw = plot_one(result, color='red', alpha=1., label=outlabel) wres_err = np.diag(cov)**0.5 out.append((smoothedmod, wres, wres_err, full_mod, out_draw)) # plot the residuals ax_resid.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux-smoothedmod-wres+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-smoothedmod-wres-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_resid.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux-smoothedmod-wres, linestyle='-', marker=None, color='black') for draw in out[:-1]: ax_resid.plot(spec.wave, draw[0]+draw[1]-smoothedmod-wres, linestyle='-',\ marker=None, alpha=0.3, color='orange') if everyn != 1: ax_spec.plot(spec.wave[::everyn], spec.flux[::everyn], color='blue', marker='o', ls='None',\ alpha=0.5, label='everyn:{:n}'.format(everyn)) ax_resid.plot(spec.wave[::everyn], (spec.flux-smoothedmod-wres)[::everyn], color='blue', marker='o',\ alpha=0.5, ls='None') ax_resid.axhline(0., color='red', linestyle='--') ax_resid.fill_between(spec.wave, +wres_err, -wres_err,\ facecolor='red', alpha=0.3, interpolate=True) # label the axes ax_resid.set_xlabel('Wavelength~(\AA)',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_spec.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux (Scale factor = {})'.format(1./scale_factor), fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Fit Residual Flux', fontproperties=font_m) ax_spec.legend(frameon=False, prop=font_s) fig.suptitle('MCMC Fit: %s (%s)'%(objname, specfile), fontproperties=font_l) gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) return fig, out
[docs]def plot_mcmc_photometry_res(objname, phot, phot_dispersion, model, pbs, draws): """ Plot the observed DA white dwarf photometry as well as the "best-fit" model magnitudes Parameters ---------- objname : str object name - used to title plots phot : None or :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The photometry. Must have ``dtype=[('pb', 'str'), ('mag', '<f8'), ('mag_err', '<f8')]`` phot_dispersion : float, optional Excess photometric dispersion to add in quadrature with the photometric uncertainties ``phot.mag_err``. Use if the errors are grossly underestimated. Default is ``0.`` model : :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` instance The DA White Dwarf SED model generator pbs : dict Passband dictionary containing the passbands corresponding to ``phot.pb`` and generated by :py:func:`WDmodel.passband.get_pbmodel`. draws : array-like produced by :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` - see notes for content. Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance The output figure mag_draws : array-like The magnitudes corresponding to the parameters ``draws`` from the Markov Chain used in ``fig`` Notes ----- Each element of ``mag_draws`` contains * ``wres`` - the difference between the observed and synthetic magnitudes * ``model_mags`` - the model magnitudes corresponding to the current model parameters * ``mu`` - the flux normalization parameter that must be added to the ``model_mags`` See Also -------- :py:func:`WDmodel.viz.plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` """ font_s = FM(size='small') font_m = FM(size='medium') font_l = FM(size='large') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4,1]) ax_phot = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_resid = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) refwave = np.array([x[4] for x in pbs.values()]) npb = len(pbs) pbind = np.arange(npb) # plot one draw of the sample def plot_draw(draw, color='red', alpha=1.0, label=None, linestyle='None'): _, _, _, model_spec, params = draw mu = params['mu']['value'] model_mags = passband.get_model_synmags(model_spec, pbs, mu=mu) ax_phot.plot(refwave, model_mags.mag, color=color, alpha=alpha, marker='o', label=label, linestyle=linestyle) res = phot.mag - model_mags.mag return res, model_mags, mu out = [] mag_draws = [] # plot the draws for draw in draws[:-1]: res, model_mags, mu = plot_draw(draw, color='orange', alpha=0.3) out.append(res) mag_draws.append((res, model_mags, mu)) # plot the magnitudes ax_phot.errorbar(refwave, phot.mag, yerr=phot.mag_err, color='k', marker='o',\ linestyle='None', label='Observed Magnitudes') res, model_mags, mu = plot_draw(draws[-1], color='red', alpha=1.0, label='Model Magnitudes', linestyle='--') mag_draws.append((res, model_mags, mu)) # the draws are already samples from the posterior distribution - just take the median out = np.array(out) errs = np.median(np.abs(out), axis=0) scaling = norm.ppf(3/4.) errs/=scaling # plot the residuals ax_resid.fill_between(pbind, -errs, errs, interpolate=True, facecolor='orange', alpha=0.3) ax_resid.errorbar(pbind, res, yerr=phot.mag_err, color='black', marker='o') ax_resid.axhline(0., color='red', linestyle='--') # flip the y axis since mags ax_phot.invert_yaxis() ax_resid.invert_yaxis() # label the axes ax_resid.set_xlim(-0.5,npb-0.5) ax_resid.set_xticks(pbind) ax_resid.set_xticklabels(list(pbs.keys())) ax_resid.set_xlabel('Passband',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_phot.set_xlabel('Wavelength',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_phot.set_ylabel('Magnitude (Photometric dispersion = {})'.format(phot_dispersion), fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Residual (mag)', fontproperties=font_m) ax_phot.legend(frameon=False, prop=font_s) fig.suptitle('Photometry for {}'.format(objname), fontproperties=font_l) gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) return fig, mag_draws
[docs]def plot_mcmc_spectrum_nogp_fit(spec, objname, specfile, scale_factor,\ cont_model, draws, covtype='Matern32', everyn=1): """ Plot the spectrum of the DA White Dwarf and the "best fit" model without the Gaussian process Unlike :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` this version does not apply the prediction from the Gaussian process to the spectrum model to match the observed spectrum. This visualization is useful to indicate if the Gaussian process - i.e. the kernel choice ``covtype`` used to parametrize the covariance is - is appropriate. Parameters ---------- spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The spectrum. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` objname : str object name - used to title plots outdir : str controls where the plot is written out if ``save=True`` specfile : str Used in the title, and to set the name of the outfile if ``save=True`` scale_factor : float factor by which the flux was scaled for y-axis label cont_model : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The continuuum model. Must have the same structure as ``spec`` Produced by :py:func:`` draws : array-like produced by :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` - see notes for content. covtype : ``{'Matern32', 'SHO', 'Exp', 'White'}`` stationary kernel type used to parametrize the covariance in :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` everyn : int, optional If the posterior function was evaluated using only every nth observation from the data, this should be specified to visually indicate the observations used. Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance The output figure See Also -------- :py:func:`WDmodel.viz.plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` """ font_s = FM(size='small') font_m = FM(size='medium') font_l = FM(size='large') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[4,1]) ax_spec = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax_resid = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) # plot the spectrum ax_spec.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, color='black', linestyle='-', marker='None', label=specfile) # plot the continuum model ax_spec.plot(cont_model.wave, cont_model.flux, color='blue', linestyle='--', marker='None', label='Continuum') # plot the residual without the covariance term smoothedmod, wres, wres_err, _ , _ = draws[-1] ax_resid.fill_between(spec.wave, wres+wres_err, wres-wres_err, facecolor='red', alpha=0.3, interpolate=True) ax_resid.fill_between(spec.wave, spec.flux-smoothedmod+spec.flux_err, spec.flux-smoothedmod-spec.flux_err,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_resid.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux - smoothedmod, color='black', linestyle='-', marker='None') bestfit, bestres, _, _, _ = draws[-1] def plot_draw(draw, color='red', alpha=1.0, label=None): smoothedmod, wres, _, _, _ = draw ax_resid.plot(spec.wave, wres+smoothedmod - bestfit, linestyle='-', marker=None, color=color, alpha=alpha) ax_spec.plot(spec.wave, smoothedmod, color=color, linestyle='-', marker='None', alpha=alpha, label=label) # plot each of the draws - we want to get a sense of the range of the covariance to plot wres for draw in draws[:-1]: plot_draw(draw, color='orange', alpha=0.3) plot_draw(draws[-1], color='red', alpha=1.0, label='Model - no Covariance') if everyn != 1: smoothedmod, wres, _, _, _ = draws[-1] ax_spec.plot(spec.wave[::everyn], spec.flux[::everyn], color='blue', marker='o', ls='None',\ alpha=0.5, label='everyn:{:n}'.format(everyn)) ax_resid.plot(spec.wave[::everyn], wres[::everyn], marker='o', color='blue', ls='None', alpha=0.5) # label the axes ax_resid.set_xlabel('Wavelength~(\AA)',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_spec.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux (Scale factor = {})'.format(1./scale_factor), fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Fit Residual Flux', fontproperties=font_m) ax_spec.legend(frameon=False, prop=font_s) fig.suptitle('MCMC Fit - No {} Covariance: {} ({})'.format(covtype, objname, specfile), fontproperties=font_l) gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) return fig
[docs]def plot_mcmc_line_fit(spec, linedata, model, cont_model, draws, balmer=None): """ Plot a comparison of the normalized hydrogen Balmer lines of the spectrum and model Note that we fit the full spectrum, not just the lines. The lines are extracted using a coarse continuum fit in :py:func:``. This fit is purely cosmetic and in no way contributes to the likelihood. It's particularly useful to detect small velocity offsets or wavelength calibration errors. Parameters ---------- spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The spectrum. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` linedata : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The observations of the spectrum corresponding to the hydrogen Balmer lines. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8'), ('line_mask', 'i4'), ('line_ind', 'i4')]`` model : :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` instance The DA White Dwarf SED model generator cont_model : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The continuuum model. Must have the same structure as ``spec`` Produced by :py:func:`` draws : array-like produced by :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` - see notes for content. balmer : array-like, optional list of Balmer lines to plot - elements must be in range ``[1, 6]`` These correspond to the lines defined in :py:attr:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel._lines`. Default is ``range(1, 7)`` Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance The output figure containing the line profile plot fig2 : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance The output figure containing histograms of the line residuals See Also -------- :py:func:`WDmodel.viz.plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit` """ font_xs = FM(size='x-small') font_s = FM(size='small') font_m = FM(size='medium') font_l = FM(size='large') # create a figure for the line profiles fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) ax_lines = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) if balmer is None: balmer = list(model._lines.keys()) # create another figure with separate axes for each of the lines uselines = set(np.unique(linedata.line_mask)) & set(balmer) nlines = len(uselines) Tot = nlines + 1 Cols = 3 Rows = Tot // Cols Rows += Tot % Cols fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8)) gs2 = gridspec.GridSpec(Rows, Cols ) # get the default color cycle colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] colors = cycle(colors) # plot the distribution of residuals for the entire spectrum ax_resid = fig2.add_subplot(gs2[0]) smoothedmod, wres, _, _, _ = draws[-1] res = spec.flux - smoothedmod - wres hist(res, bins='knuth', density=True, histtype='stepfilled', color='grey', alpha=0.5, label='Residuals',ax=ax_resid) ax_resid.axvline(0., color='red', linestyle='--') # label the axes, rotate the tick labels, and get the xlim ax_resid.set_xlabel('Fit Residual Flux', fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Norm', fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=False, prop=font_s) plt.setp(ax_resid.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right') (res_xmin, res_xmax) = ax_resid.get_xlim() k = 1 for i, line in enumerate(np.unique(linedata.line_mask)): if not line in balmer: continue # select this line mask = (linedata.line_mask == line) wave = linedata.wave[mask] # restore the line properties linename, W0, D, eps = model._lines[line] # find the matching indices in the spectrum/continuum model that match the line ind = np.searchsorted(cont_model.wave, wave) this_line_cont = cont_model.flux[ind] # shift the wavelength so the centroids are 0 shifted_wave = wave - W0 shifted_flux = linedata.flux[mask]/this_line_cont shifted_ferr = linedata.flux_err[mask]/this_line_cont # plot the lines, adding a small vertical offset between each voff = 0.2*i ax_lines.fill_between(shifted_wave, shifted_flux + voff + shifted_ferr, shifted_flux + voff - shifted_ferr,\ facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, interpolate=True) ax_lines.plot(shifted_wave, shifted_flux + voff, linestyle='-', marker='None', color='black') # add a text label for each line label = '{} ({:.2f})'.format(linename, W0) ax_lines.text(shifted_wave[-1]+10 , shifted_flux[-1] + voff, label, fontproperties=font_xs,\ color='blue', va='top', ha='center', rotation=90) # plot one of the draws def plot_draw(draw, color='red', alpha=1.0): smoothedmod, wres, _, _, _ = draw line_model = (smoothedmod + wres)[ind] line_model /= this_line_cont line_model += voff ax_lines.plot(shifted_wave, line_model, linestyle='-', marker='None', color=color, alpha=alpha) # overplot the model for draw in draws[:-1]: plot_draw(draw, color='orange', alpha=0.3) plot_draw(draws[-1], color='red', alpha=1.0) # overplot the best model err as the bottom layer bestmod, bestres, bestres_err, _, _ = draws[-1] besthi = (bestmod + bestres + bestres_err)[ind] bestlo = (bestmod + bestres - bestres_err)[ind] besthi /= this_line_cont bestlo /= this_line_cont besthi += voff bestlo += voff ax_lines.fill_between(shifted_wave, besthi, bestlo,\ facecolor='red', alpha=0.3, interpolate=True, zorder=-1) # plot the residuals of this line ax_resid = fig2.add_subplot(gs2[k]) hist(linedata.flux[mask] - (smoothedmod + wres)[ind] , bins='knuth', density=True, ax=ax_resid,\ histtype='stepfilled', label=label, alpha=0.3, color=next(colors)) ax_resid.axvline(0., color='red', linestyle='--') # label the axis and match the limits for the overall residuals ax_resid.set_xlabel('Fit Residual Flux', fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_ylabel('Norm', fontproperties=font_m) ax_resid.set_xlim((res_xmin, res_xmax)) ax_resid.legend(frameon=False, prop=font_s) plt.setp(ax_resid.get_xticklabels(), rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right') k+=1 # label the axes ax_lines.set_xlabel('Delta Wavelength~(\AA)',fontproperties=font_m, ha='center') ax_lines.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux', fontproperties=font_m) fig.suptitle('Line Profiles', fontproperties=font_l) fig2.suptitle('Residual Distributions', fontproperties=font_l) gs.tight_layout(fig, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) gs2.tight_layout(fig2, rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) return fig, fig2
[docs]def plot_mcmc_model(spec, phot, linedata, scale_factor, phot_dispersion,\ objname, outdir, specfile,\ model, covmodel, cont_model, pbs,\ params, param_names, samples, samples_lnprob,\ covtype='Matern32', balmer=None, ndraws=21, everyn=1, savefig=False): """ Make all the plots to visualize the full fit of the DA White Dwarf data Wraps :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit`, :py:func:`plot_mcmc_photometry_res`, :py:func:`plot_mcmc_spectrum_nogp_fit`, :py:func:`plot_mcmc_line_fit` and :py:func:`corner.corner` and saves all the plots to a combined PDF, and optionally individual PDFs. Parameters ---------- spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The spectrum. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` phot : None or :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The photometry. Must have ``dtype=[('pb', 'str'), ('mag', '<f8'), ('mag_err', '<f8')]`` linedata : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The observations of the spectrum corresponding to the hydrogen Balmer lines. Must have ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8'), ('line_mask', 'i4'), ('line_ind', 'i4')]`` scale_factor : float factor by which the flux was scaled for y-axis label phot_dispersion : float, optional Excess photometric dispersion to add in quadrature with the photometric uncertainties ``phot.mag_err``. Use if the errors are grossly underestimated. Default is ``0.`` objname : str object name - used to title plots outdir : str controls where the plot is written out if ``savefig=True`` specfile : str Used in the title, and to set the name of the ``outfile`` if ``savefig=True`` model : :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` instance The DA White Dwarf SED model generator covmodel : :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` instance The parametrized model for the covariance of the spectrum ``spec`` cont_model : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The continuuum model. Must have the same structure as ``spec`` Produced by :py:func:`` pbs : dict Passband dictionary containing the passbands corresponding to ``phot.pb`` and generated by :py:func:`WDmodel.passband.get_pbmodel`. params : dict dictionary of parameters with keywords ``value``, ``fixed``, ``scale``, ``bounds`` for each. Same format as returned from :py:func:`` param_names : array-like Ordered list of free parameter names samples : array-like Samples from the flattened Markov Chain with shape ``(N, len(param_names))`` samples_lnprob : array-like Log Posterior corresponding to ``samples`` from the flattened Markov Chain with shape ``(N,)`` covtype : ``{'Matern32', 'SHO', 'Exp', 'White'}`` stationary kernel type used to parametrize the covariance in :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` balmer : array-like, optional list of Balmer lines to plot - elements must be in range ``[1, 6]`` These correspond to the lines defined in :py:attr:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel._lines`. Default is ``range(1, 7)`` ndraws : int, optional Number of draws to make from the Markov Chain to overplot. Higher numbers provide a better sense of the uncertainty in the model at the cost of speed and a larger, slower to render output plot. everyn : int, optional If the posterior function was evaluated using only every nth observation from the data, this should be specified to visually indicate the observations used. savefig : bool if True, save the individual figures Returns ------- model_spec : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The model spectrum. Has ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8'), ('norm_flux', '<f8')]`` and same shape as input ``spec``. The ``norm_flux`` attribute has the model flux without the Gaussian process prediction applied. SED_model : :py:class:`numpy.recarray` The SED model spectrum. Has ``dtype=[('wave', '<f8'), ('flux', '<f8'), ('flux_err', '<f8')]`` model_mags : None or :py:class:`numpy.recarray` If there is observed photometry, this contains the model magnitudes. Has ``dtype=[('pb', 'str'), ('mag', '<f8')]`` """ draws = None mag_draws = None outfilename = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc.pdf') with PdfPages(outfilename) as pdf: # plot spectrum and model fig, draws = plot_mcmc_spectrum_fit(spec, objname, specfile, scale_factor,\ model, covmodel, params, param_names, samples,\ ndraws=ndraws, everyn=everyn) if savefig: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_spectrum.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) pdf.savefig(fig) # plot the photometry and residuals if we actually fit it, else skip if phot is not None: fig, mag_draws = plot_mcmc_photometry_res(objname, phot, phot_dispersion, model, pbs, draws) if savefig: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_phot.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) pdf.savefig(fig) # plot continuum, model and draws without gp fig = plot_mcmc_spectrum_nogp_fit(spec, objname, specfile, scale_factor,\ cont_model, draws, covtype=covtype, everyn=everyn) if savefig: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_nogp.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) pdf.savefig(fig) # plot lines fig, fig2 = plot_mcmc_line_fit(spec, linedata, model, cont_model, draws, balmer=balmer) if savefig: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_lines.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_resids.pdf') fig2.savefig(outfile) pdf.savefig(fig) pdf.savefig(fig2) # plot corner plot fig = corner.corner(samples, bins=51, labels=param_names, show_titles=True,quantiles=(0.16,0.84), smooth=1.) if savefig: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_mcmc_corner.pdf') fig.savefig(outfile) pdf.savefig(fig) message = "Wrote output plot file {}".format(outfilename) print(message) #endwith smoothedmod, wres, wres_err, full_mod, best_params = draws[-1] res_spec = [] res_mod = [] bestmu = best_params['mu']['value'] full_mod.flux*=(10**(-0.4*bestmu)) for draw in draws[:-1]: ts, tr, trerr, tm, params = draw mu = params['mu']['value'] tm.flux*=(10**(-0.4*mu)) res_spec.append((ts+tr-smoothedmod-wres)) res_mod.append((tm.flux - full_mod.flux)) res_spec = np.vstack(res_spec) res_mod = np.vstack(res_mod) mad_spec = np.median(np.abs(res_spec), axis=0) mad_mod = np.median(np.abs(res_mod), axis=0) scaling = norm.ppf(3/4.) sigma_spec = mad_spec/scaling sigma_mod = mad_mod/scaling names=str('wave,flux,flux_err,norm_flux') model_spec = np.rec.fromarrays((spec.wave, smoothedmod+wres, sigma_spec, smoothedmod), names=names) names=str('wave,flux,flux_err') SED_model = np.rec.fromarrays((full_mod.wave, full_mod.flux, sigma_mod), names=names) if mag_draws is not None: _, model_mags, _ = mag_draws[-1] else: model_mags = None return model_spec, SED_model, model_mags