Source code for WDmodel.main

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
The WDmodel package is designed to infer the SED of DA white dwarfs given
spectra and photometry. This main module wraps all the other modules, and their
classes and methods to implement the alogrithm.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import mpi4py
import numpy as np
from . import io
from . import WDmodel
from . import passband
from . import covariance
from . import fit
from . import viz

sys_excepthook = sys.excepthook
[docs]def mpi_excepthook(excepttype, exceptvalue, traceback): """ Overload :py:func:`sys.excepthook` when using :py:class:`mpi4py.MPI` to terminate all MPI processes when an Exception is raised. """ sys_excepthook(excepttype, exceptvalue, traceback) mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1)
[docs]def main(inargs=None): """ Entry point for the :py:mod:`WDmodel` fitter package. Parameters ---------- inargs : dict, optional Input arguments to configure the fit. If not specified :py:data:`sys.argv` is used. inargs must be parseable by :py:func:``. Raises ------ RuntimeError If user attempts to resume the fit without having run it first Notes ----- The package is structured into several modules and classes ================================================= =================== Module Model Component ================================================= =================== :py:mod:`` I/O methods :py:class:`WDmodel.WDmodel.WDmodel` SED generator :py:mod:`WDmodel.passband` Throughput model :py:class:`WDmodel.covariance.WDmodel_CovModel` Noise model :py:class:`WDmodel.likelihood.WDmodel_Likelihood` Likelihood function :py:class:`WDmodel.likelihood.WDmodel_Posterior` Posterior function :py:mod:`` "Fitting" methods :py:mod:`WDmodel.viz` Viz methods ================================================= =================== This method implements our algorithm to infer the DA White Dwarf properties and construct the SED model given the data using the methods and classes listed above. Once the data is read, the model is configured, and the liklihood and posterior functions constructed, the fitter methods evaluate the model parameters given the data, using the samplers in :py:mod:`emcee`. :py:mod:`WDmodel.mossampler` provides an overloaded :py:class:`emcee.PTSampler` with a more reliable auto-correlation estimate. Finally, the result is output along with various plots. """ comm = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD size = comm.Get_size() if size > 1: # force all MPI processes to terminate if we are running with --mpi and an exception is raised sys.excepthook = mpi_excepthook if inargs is None: inargs = sys.argv[1:] # parse the arguments args, pool= io.get_options(inargs, comm) specfile = args.specfile spectable = args.spectable lamshift = args.lamshift vel = args.vel bluelim, redlim = args.trimspec rebin = args.rebin rescale = args.rescale blotch = args.blotch outdir = args.outdir outroot = args.outroot photfile = args.photfile rvmodel = args.reddeningmodel phot_dispersion = args.phot_dispersion pbfile = args.pbfile excludepb = args.excludepb ignorephot= args.ignorephot covtype = args.covtype coveps = args.coveps samptype = args.samptype ascale = args.ascale ntemps = args.ntemps nwalkers = args.nwalkers nburnin = args.nburnin nprod = args.nprod everyn = args.everyn thin = args.thin redo = args.redo resume = args.resume discard = args.discard balmer = args.balmerlines ndraws = args.ndraws savefig = args.savefig ##### SETUP ##### # set the object name and create output directories objname, outdir = io.set_objname_outdir_for_specfile(specfile, outdir=outdir, outroot=outroot,\ redo=redo, resume=resume) message = "Writing to outdir {}".format(outdir) print(message) # init the model model = WDmodel.WDmodel(rvmodel=rvmodel) if not resume: # parse the parameter keywords in the argparse Namespace into a dictionary params = io.get_params_from_argparse(args) # get resolution - by default, this is None, since it depends on instrument settings for each spectra # we can look it up from a lookup table provided by Tom Matheson for our spectra # a custom argument from the command line overrides the lookup fwhm = params['fwhm']['value'] fwhm, lamshift = io.get_spectrum_resolution(specfile, spectable, fwhm=fwhm, lamshift=lamshift) params['fwhm']['value'] = fwhm # read spectrum spec = io.read_spec(specfile) # pre-process spectrum out = fit.pre_process_spectrum(spec, bluelim, redlim, model, params,\ rebin=rebin, lamshift=lamshift, vel=vel, blotch=blotch, rescale=rescale) spec, cont_model, linedata, continuumdata, scale_factor, params = out # get photometry if not ignorephot: phot = io.get_phot_for_obj(objname, photfile) else: params['mu']['value'] = 0. params['mu']['fixed'] = True phot = None # exclude passbands that we want excluded pbnames = [] if phot is not None: pbnames = np.unique(phot.pb) if excludepb is not None: pbnames = list(set(pbnames) - set(excludepb)) # filter the photometry recarray to use only the passbands we want useind = [x for x, pb in enumerate(phot.pb) if pb in pbnames] useind = np.array(useind) phot = phot.take(useind) # set the pbnames from the trimmed photometry recarray to preserve order pbnames = list(phot.pb) # if we cut out out all the passbands, force mu to be fixed if len(pbnames) == 0: params['mu']['value'] = 0. params['mu']['fixed'] = True phot = None # save the inputs to the fitter outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_inputs.hdf5', check=True, redo=redo, resume=resume) io.write_fit_inputs(spec, phot, cont_model, linedata, continuumdata,\ rvmodel, covtype, coveps, phot_dispersion, scale_factor, outfile) else: outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_inputs.hdf5', check=False, redo=redo, resume=resume) try: spec, cont_model, linedata, continuumdata, phot, fit_config = io.read_fit_inputs(outfile) except IOError as e: message = '{}\nMust run fit to generate inputs before attempting to resume'.format(e) raise RuntimeError(message) rvmodel = fit_config['rvmodel'] covtype = fit_config['covtype'] coveps = fit_config['coveps'] scale_factor = fit_config['scale_factor'] phot_dispersion = fit_config['phot_dispersion'] if phot is not None: pbnames = list(phot.pb) else: pbnames = [] # get the throughput model pbs = passband.get_pbmodel(pbnames, model, pbfile=pbfile) ##### MINUIT ##### outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_params.json', check=True, redo=redo, resume=resume) if not resume: # to avoid minuit messing up inputs, it can be skipped entirely to force the MCMC to start at a specific position if not args.skipminuit: # do a quick fit to refine the input params migrad_params = fit.quick_fit_spec_model(spec, model, params) # save the minuit fit result - this will not be perfect, but if it's bad, refine starting position viz.plot_minuit_spectrum_fit(spec, objname, outdir, specfile, scale_factor,\ model, migrad_params, save=True) else: # we didn't run minuit, so we'll assume the user intended to start us at some specific position migrad_params = io.copy_params(params) if covtype == 'White': migrad_params['fsig']['value'] = 0. migrad_params['fsig']['fixed'] = True migrad_params['tau']['fixed'] = True # If we don't have a user supplied initial guess of mu, get a guess migrad_params = fit.hyper_param_guess(spec, phot, model, pbs, migrad_params) # write out the migrad params - note that if you skipminuit, you are expected to provide the dl value # if skipmcmc is set, you can now run the code with MPI io.write_params(migrad_params, outfile) else: try: migrad_params = io.read_params(outfile) except (OSError,IOError) as e: message = '{}\nMust run fit to generate inputs before attempting to resume'.format(e) raise RuntimeError(message) # init a covariance model instance that's used to model the residuals # between the systematic residuals between data and model errscale = np.median(spec.flux_err) covmodel = covariance.WDmodel_CovModel(errscale, covtype, coveps) ##### MCMC ##### # skipmcmc can be run to just prepare the inputs if not args.skipmcmc: # do the fit result = fit.fit_model(spec, phot, model, covmodel, pbs, migrad_params,\ objname, outdir, specfile,\ phot_dispersion=phot_dispersion,\ samptype=samptype, ascale=ascale,\ ntemps=ntemps, nwalkers=nwalkers, nburnin=nburnin, nprod=nprod,\ thin=thin, everyn=everyn,\ redo=redo, resume=resume,\ pool=pool) param_names, samples, samples_lnprob, everyn, shape = result ntemps, nwalkers, nprod, nparam = shape mcmc_params = io.copy_params(migrad_params) # parse the samples in the chain and get the result result = fit.get_fit_params_from_samples(param_names, samples, samples_lnprob, mcmc_params,\ ntemps=ntemps, nwalkers=nwalkers, nprod=nprod, discard=discard) mcmc_params, in_samp, in_lnprob = result # write the result to a file outfile = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_result.json') io.write_params(mcmc_params, outfile) # plot the MCMC output plot_out = viz.plot_mcmc_model(spec, phot, linedata,\ scale_factor, phot_dispersion,\ objname, outdir, specfile,\ model, covmodel, cont_model, pbs,\ mcmc_params, param_names, in_samp, in_lnprob,\ covtype=covtype, balmer=balmer,\ ndraws=ndraws, everyn=everyn, savefig=savefig) model_spec, full_mod, model_mags = plot_out spec_model_file = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_spec_model.dat') io.write_spectrum_model(spec, model_spec, spec_model_file) full_model_file = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_full_model.hdf5') io.write_full_model(full_mod, full_model_file) if phot is not None: phot_model_file = io.get_outfile(outdir, specfile, '_phot_model.dat') io.write_phot_model(phot, model_mags, phot_model_file) return